Death Song, Udderbelly. Inspired stagecraft, impassioned performance work and a unique aesthetic, punctured only by an imperfect plot. 3/5
Eric Lampaert, Pleasance Courtyard. Autobiographical comedy with more self-commentary than story, but that's part of the charm. Warming. 4/5
Gagtanamo Bay, Royal Mile Tavern. Unique, hilarious and best of all, free. A blinding hidden treasure that subverts expectations. 5/5
La Putyka, Zoo Southside. A visual treat: inventive and acrobatic clowns, plus some seriously sexy trampolining. Needs pulling together. 3/5
Remember This, Bedlam. A couple of touching moments can't quite save a script that's predictable and a little dull. 2/5.
Scary Gorgeous, Bedlam. Aptly titled, this white-knuckle show is rarely less than brilliant. A beautiful rollercoaster of brave choices. 4/5
SNAP.CATCH.SLAM, Pleasance Courtyard. Too much feeling and not enough telling in these three disparate monologues. Slick, not stirring. 2/5
Timothy, Bedlam. Rambling where it should be neat, this Hitchcock-lite needs sharpening before it really thrills. Domestic. 2/5
WitTank, Just The Tonic. Accessible, well-rounded sketch comedy. Friendly, easy to grasp premises, at times spectacularly pulled-off. 4/5