Alex Horne, Pleasance Dome. Wildly inventive and very funny, Horne pulls off his ambitious concept with considerable aplomb. 4/5
Free Time Radical, Pleasance Courtyard. Great ideas and impressive design are unbalanced by an awkward narrative. Doesn't hold water. 2/5
Morgan and West, Gilded Balloon. The genial pair pull some neat mind-reading and Victorian banter into a cohesive, family-friendly hour. 4/5
Naïve Dance Masterclass, C eca. This gleefully absurd, neat little dance spoof raises plenty of smiles. Baffling, but certainly amusing. 3/5
Robin Ince, Buff’s Club. Intimate free-flowing angry comedy. Proof that ultra-leftist fury can still be funny in the age of McIntyre. 4/5
The Seagull Effect, Zoo Roxy. Ambitious in scope, if a little literal-minded, this highly visual piece is filled with little delights. 3/5
The Table, Pleasance Dome. Not strictly a play and not entirely puppetry, rather a delightful medley of visual ideas. Mesmerising. 4/5